Προτρέπουμε και πάλι όπως και το περσινό έτος κάθε Έλληνα και Ελληνίδα, όσους ακολουθούν την Εθνική Παράδοσή μας, να Τιμήσουν με Ιεροπραξίες την Βασίλισσα του Νυκτερινού Ουρανού στις 13 του μηνός Αυγούστου.
Απευθύνετε τις Ευχές σας προς την Αστραφτερή Όψη της Θείας Κόρης μαζί με τους οικείους σας, τους αγαπημένους σας φίλους, από οπουδήποτε και αν βρίσκεστε, ενωμένοι στο Πνεύμα με κάθε άλλον Εθνικό τόσο στη χώρα μας όσο και στο εξωτερικό.

Augusts’ Full Moon
As the previous year’s August, we admonish again every Brother and Sister of the Old Ways to Honor the Statue of the Night Sky, Selena. On the night of Saturday 13th, gather in groups, or with your beloved ones, or even by your shelf, and perform your Rites and Wishes with admirable heart channeling your mind with the offerings of the Golden Queen.
Lets all of us, the people of National Traditions and the Old Ways, have a chance to join in Spirit on the brightest Night of the summer.
"Thyrsos - Ethnikoi Hellenes"

Lua Cheia de Agosto
"Como em agosto do ano anterior, nós lembramos novamente cada Irmão e Irmã dos Antigos Caminhos a honrar a Estátua do Céu Noturno, Selene. Na noite de sábado, dia 13, reúnam-se em grupos ou com seus amados ou mesmo sozinhos, e realizem seus Ritos e Desejos com um coração admirável, direcionando suas mentes junto para as ofertas da Rainha Dourada.
Que todos nós, o povo das Tradições Nacionais e dos Antigos Caminhos, tenhamos a chance de nos unirmos em Espírito na noite mais brilhante do solstício.
Thyrsos - Ethnikoi Hellenes"
Thank you, family! Here is my post: http://sofalex.blogspot.com/2011/08/convite-do-grupo-thyrsos-lua-cheia-1308.html :)
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήThank you deeply Sister!