Η ακόλουθη επιστολή, εστάλη στο κυριότερο μέσον ενημέρωσης των Βρετανών χριστιανών Βαπτιστών, ως μία μικρή απάντηση στο άρθρο του κυρίου Mark Woods ο οποίος είναι και κληρικός, που αναρτήθηκε την 9η Ιουνίου, με θέμα την Ελληνική Εθνική Θρησκεία και την διαρκώς αυξανόμενη επιρροή της στη σύγχρονη Ελληνική πραγματικότητα.
Είναι προφανές, ότι η Έγερση των Εθνισμών στην Μητρίδα Ήπειρο μας, και φυσικά στην Πατρίδα μας, έχει αρχίσει και θορυβεί ανθρώπους που ίσως αντιλαμβάνονται ότι το πεδίο σκέψης που υπηρετούν, πλησιάζει με επιταχυνόμενη φθίνουσα πορεία, στον ιστορικό της παραμερισμό.
Για όποια τυχόν απάντηση λάβουμε, θα επανέλθουμε.
Είναι προφανές, ότι η Έγερση των Εθνισμών στην Μητρίδα Ήπειρο μας, και φυσικά στην Πατρίδα μας, έχει αρχίσει και θορυβεί ανθρώπους που ίσως αντιλαμβάνονται ότι το πεδίο σκέψης που υπηρετούν, πλησιάζει με επιταχυνόμενη φθίνουσα πορεία, στον ιστορικό της παραμερισμό.
Για όποια τυχόν απάντηση λάβουμε, θα επανέλθουμε.
Mr Woods.
This is a
brief answer to your article of the 9th of June concerning
Hellenic Religion
and its emerging force on Hellas. We ask excuses in advance for the lack of
good English, as our Native language is different. We hope you will understand
our sayings.
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Mr. Mark Woods contributor editor of "Christian Today" |
There are a
lot of things that we could respond on your arguments and point of view, but
assuming that your only news briefing about Hellas, comes from the mainstream
media only, we will be short on our answer to you, by mentioning a few point
First of
all, you quoted: “The ancient pagan religions of Greece died out
many, many centuries ago. Zeus, Hera, Artemis, Hephaestus – they're all
history, surely? They provide material for children's picture books, the
occasional Hollywood film, and they're the backdrop of some of the greatest
literature in the World.”
Well it did
not. They have been cruelly forced to go underground, hidden and chased by your
spiritual forefathers, but as historians and documents can prove, we, Hellenes,
kept our Ethnic Faith alive. We have over passed the chasing, the tortures, the
destruction of a whole civilization by the “people of the one god”, but, we
have survived.
Julian, the Wise Teacher Plethon Gemistos, the Stratioti, the Olympian
Brotherhood, have all of them kept our Faith and Cosmotheasis alive till our
days, and there will be a continuing.
Our Gods, our Faith and way of living, have provided so far, much more than “material for children’s books” or “occasional Hollywood film”.
A closer look on major buildings everywhere in Europe or in the US, the architectural design of them, will give you a first thought just near you.
Furthermore, the spring of man’s liberation
from Theocratic tyrants of the medieval times (or any time, and any tyrants) by
movements that had the core of thinking from Hellenes philosophers, Heroes,
Mythology, or even theological aspects that provided food for thought, can be
far more interesting to you to gaze upon.
Our Way, is
not just for “literature”. It is a core power that asks man to organize all
aspects of life, and to understand her way as it is.
It concerns the understanding of Cosmos
through sacredness and the divine order.
Which in
our case, it starts with a major difference, regarding your views on the same
things. We grant
Cosmos as something which it is not “made of”, but exists since always.
It contains everything and everyone. Our Gods
as well. You perceive Cosmos as a universe made by a lone jealous god who
decided to make something else to exist beside his figure, and will make at
some point a great collapse that will mark the end of everything.
Now, to
approach nearer to what is happening, we need to use some though tools such as
science, philosophy theology of high intelligence which will provide answers
combined with science and philosophy in harmony. We must ask and not bend
before “fast-food” truths from fear.
And to make all of the above understandable
and active, you need all things Hellenism, and Ethnic Traditional Faiths
provides by their ways, as we have started them for those exact reasons.
In contrast with dogmas of the Three Desert
Religions that till today rejects in various occasions. Those who still believe
that Cosmos, and not just Earth, exist just for some thousands of years is a
great example.
You quoted also that our emerging movement is in some ways,
been connected with violence
as a mainstream media wrote. Well, this is far away from reality.
If an
anonymous individual, who could very easily be a provocateur enemy, or just a
person with psychological problems acts, this is not something that you can
attach on us in any means. No one of the official authorities made any claims
against us in any case.
So, we
kindly ask you to rephrase this one as a totally false accusation or we can
easily assume from our side that you want this to pass on as fact on purpose.
But, we
cannot say that violence is not a friendly companion of yours. Christianity,
Islam, Judaism, all three marked their way through history by rivers of blood
and pile of skulls.
From the
old testament book with the macabre Yahweh given orders for killing children,
to the genocide of the Native Americans. From the Crusades, to ISIS and
beheaded women.
Westboro Baptist Church hatred, to fingers pointing Allah demanding the law of
Sariah. Well, one should say to you, that none of you has the right to claim that Ethnikoi are violent.
“This revival – whether it takes a dark and
violent turn or not – is likely to spring from the same source as other
counter-cultural movements. Greece's economy is in tatters, its political class
has failed to deliver, the Orthodox Church – while still widely accepted – can
be seen to be part of society's problem rather than its solution. The need for
a spiritual solution is as deep as ever.”
We start
from the end of it. We agree. But you can blame your manners for the point we
have reached on the western world which contains Hellas, our Country as well.
It is a world’s society, constructed on its
ways, by Calvinism, by a political monotheistic manner which has been proven
self destructive and hostile to Ethnic Identities and Traditions.
Christians, in the U.S., maybe from guilds transferred along with the ships
Niña, Pinta, and the Santa Maria, that gave a “one God’s” lesson of destruction
to the natives, now started to reject their own (?) people’s identities
and by your faith’s side, as Baptists, a
call has been made for a total collapse of borders, Traditions, authenticity in
the name of an individualism and freedom; for everyone was made as well as we
can read on your page.
A freedom, given by “a” god for having a
global, what? End of history under the god of Judea? This cosmopolitan fantasy
of Torah always sparks in you. This call
for cultural nihilism is the same dream of your bible against Nations and our
IdentitiesIn the end
of your quotes, you call the return of Hellenes –and we presume the same for
other Europeans-to their Native Culture as a “counter” one? And the reason you
find to justify it, is just the finance? Well,
please, think of it twice again. A continuing suppressed Civilization, hunted
by the church and churches’ political pawns or spawns, through the centuries is
not a “counter” one. Is a Fighting one. Which providing again answers to
problems. Answers hidden very well for too long.
Now that
Islam is on the rise in Europe, for various reasons (guess who is responsible
and why), threatening the last remains of Western tolerance and identities,
churches of all Christian dogmas, call for “peace” and “calmness”, providing
one fine excuse to the Calvinistic states for suppressing even more National
Identities in the name of “co-existance”. A great global biblical society has
started to be constructed with the same pattern as usual. Blood, fear, and a
promised land.We shall have not this time.
There are a
lot more that we could mention as well to your article, but we believe, that
for the time at least, these were written are enough.
For the
House of Ethnikoi Hellenes
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