Χωράνε οι εορτές του Ουρανού, των Άστρων και της Γαίας, σε σε δύο παραγράφους κείμενα ή μερικά στιγμιότυπα σε φωτογραφίες;
Χωράνε σε βιαστικές περιλήψεις από μυθολογικές αναφορές, οι άρρητες στιγμές του βιώματος, που από μόνες τους μπορούν και σου επεξηγούν τον Κόσμο, καθώς γινόμαστε νότες συντονισμένες στις ταλαντώσεις του;
Και σε ποιο σημείο της σύγχρονης πόλης, μπορεί να αναβλύζει το Ιερό, αόρατο και ορατό ταυτόχρονα, αναμένοντας τα μάτια να το δουν;
Είναι συνήθεια να έχουν εξηγήσεις οι άνθρωποι που μοιράζουν μεταξύ τους, πιο γρήγορες και εύκολες, όπως ακριβώς προσπερνούν τον έναν δρόμο μετά τον άλλον, μα που ποτέ δεν τον βαδίζουν.
Απλώς τον βλέπουν σε έναν χάρτη που και άλλοι τον μοιράστηκαν πιο πριν.
Δεν διεκπεραιώνεις μία εορτή χωρίς μία θυσία. Χωρίς να κόψεις από το είναι σου το πιο καλό κομμάτι, και να το προσφέρεις πλήρης δέους εκεί από όπου προήλθε. Μα για να το κάνεις αυτό, πρέπει να μη χωράς πια, ούτε σε δύο παραγράφους κείμενα, ούτε σε βιαστικές περιλήψεις.
Και στους δρόμους του Ιερού, πρέπει να μπεις, να περπατήσεις.
Για τις Αδελφές και τους Αδελφούς μας, όσες και όσους, απευθυνθούν προς τη Φυλακτήρια Ώρα κατά την είσοδο του Φθινοπώρου.
Καλή Ισημερία, Καλό φθινόπωρο και απρόσκοπτη οδό έως την Πύλη του Ηλιοστασίου.
Can the Celebrations of the Sky, the Stars and Gaia fit into two paragraphs of text or a few snapshots in photos?
Do they fit into hasty summaries from mythological references, those unspoken moments of experience, which alone can and do explain Cosmow to you, as we become music notes tuned to its oscillations?
Can the Celebrations of the Sky, the Stars and Gaia fit into two paragraphs of text or a few snapshots in photos?
Do they fit into hasty summaries from mythological references, those unspoken moments of experience, which alone can and do explain Cosmos to you, as we become music notes tuned to its oscillations?
And at what point in the modern city, can the Sacred spring up, invisible and visible at the same time, waiting for the eyes to see it?
It is a habit for people to have explanations that they share with each other, faster and easier, just as they pass one road after another, but never walk through.
They just see it on a map that others have shared before.
You don't complete a Celebration without a sacrifice. Without cutting off the best part of your being, and offering it full of awe to where it came from.
But in order to do this, you must no longer fit in, neither in two-paragraph texts, nor in hasty summaries.
And in the streets of the Sacredness, you must enter, and walk.
For our Sisters and Brothers, all who turn to the Guardian Hora at the entrance of Autumn.
Happy Equinox, Happy Autumn and an unobstructed path to the Solstice Gate.
Thyrsos - Oikos of Ethnikoi Hellenes
Possono le Celebrazioni del Cielo, delle Stelle e di Gaia stare in due paragrafi di testo o in qualche istantanea in foto?
Si adattano a riassunti affrettati da riferimenti mitologici, quei momenti di esperienza inespressi, che soli possono e ti spiegano il Cosmo, mentre diventiamo note musicali sintonizzate sulle sue oscillazioni?
E in quale punto della città moderna può sorgere il Sacro, invisibile e visibile allo stesso tempo, in attesa che gli occhi lo vedano?
È un'abitudine che le persone abbiano spiegazioni da condividere tra loro, più velocemente e più facilmente, proprio come passano una strada dopo l'altra, ma non la percorrono mai.
Lo vedono semplicemente su una mappa che altri hanno condiviso in precedenza.
Non completi una celebrazione senza un sacrificio. Senza tagliare via la parte migliore del tuo essere e offrirla piena di stupore per la sua provenienza.
Ma per fare questo non bisogna più inserirsi, né in testi di due paragrafi, né in riassunti affrettati.
E nelle strade della Sacralità bisogna entrare, e camminare.
Per le nostre sorelle e fratelli, tutti coloro che si rivolgono al Guardiano Hora all'ingresso dell'autunno.
Buon Equinozio, Buon Autunno e un percorso senza ostacoli verso la Porta del Solstizio.
Una Famiglia siamo
Thyrsos - Oikos di Ethnikoi Hellenes