Ημερομηνία 27/09/«2011»
Επιστολή Προς τη Τουρκική Εφημερίδα Hürriyet Για την Αποκατάσταση Περί Ιστορικών Ανακριβειών.
O tempora, o mores!
Με αφορμή το άρθρο που δημοσίευσε η τουρκική εφημερίδα Hürriyet με πληροφορίες για την επιστροφή του αγάλματος του Θεού Ηρακλή στη Μητρίδα Γη του, η Οργάνωσή μας απέστειλε την παρακάτω επιστολή στην εφημερίδα (εκδότη και συντάκτες) θεωρώντας χρέος μας να υπερασπιστούμε την Ιστορία του Έθνους μας και τον Πολιτισμό του. Στο άρθρο αναφέρεται ούτε λίγο ούτε πολύ, ότι το άγαλμα είναι προϊόν της Τουρκικής κληρονομιάς(...) και δεν υπάρχει ουδεμία αναφορά για την Ελληνική πρωτότυπη κατασκευή του...
Μιας λοιπόν και ουδείς Θεσμικός παράγοντας από την επίσημη ελληνική Πολιτεία ( Υπουργεία "Πολιτισμού", Εξωτερικών") ,ενδιαφέρθηκε να αποκαταστήσει την Ιστορική Πραγματικότητα με μία έστω τυπική ανακοίνωση προς υπεράσπιση της Παράδοσής μας , αναλάβαμε εμείς να "ενημερώσουμε" τους υπεύθυνους της εφημερίδας για το προφανώς επιτηδευμένο ατόπημά τους...
By the chance of the article on the Turkish newspaper Hürriyet regarding information about the returning statue of our Great God Hercules on its original region, our organization sent this letter as an official respond trying to "inform" the editors and the journalists about the Historical Facts that concerns this Ancestral Hellenic region. We strongly believe that no one can diverse History just to play some dangerous and at the same time pretty boring Political games. So with a bit sense of humor we sent the following respond...
Dear director and journalists of Hürriyet newspaper
We have read your article about the returning of the Statue of our Great God Hercules on it’s region where it was looted 40 years ago.
We warmly thank you and your government for the try you do to protect our Hellenic Heritage that looters have been spread all around the world all these years.
It doesn’t matter if you have it on your museums, at least all the world will be able to see the Great Hellenic and Roman Culture of the Ancient times, and learn to respect even more the Hellenic and Roman Culture and Civilization
All Hellenes are happy to learn that their Gods’ statues and cultural treasures are gathering once again on Hellenic native land!.
Just for your readers, may we remind that Perga-the place where the statue of our Great God Hercules was found, was an ancient Hellenic city, the capital of Pamphylia ( this word means in Hellenic language "land of all tribes..), (now in today’s Antalya province) on the southwestern Mediterranean coast of today’s Turkey state. Also,Perga was the birthplace of Apollonius of Perga!
You know, the famous Hellenas geometer and astronomer!
Before the Romans conquer the region, just to remind you, that Alexander the Great (what a coincidence, another Hellenic name!) and Seleucids were those who ruled the region!
So, enough about joking with a pleasant way.
Please next time, when a piece of our Culture will return on its region, do not hesitate to inform your readers about the exact historical facts. It is a shame for you to stand with “lending history”.
It is not your fault after all that your people have conquered many centuries after this period these ancestral Hellenic lands.
But it is all your fault to live and go on, by stealing all the time our History and Culture forever..
Honor and Glory to our Gods and Ancestors!
Thyrsos- Hellenes Ethnikoi (Gentiles)
Επιστολή Προς τη Τουρκική Εφημερίδα Hürriyet Για την Αποκατάσταση Περί Ιστορικών Ανακριβειών.
O tempora, o mores!
Με αφορμή το άρθρο που δημοσίευσε η τουρκική εφημερίδα Hürriyet με πληροφορίες για την επιστροφή του αγάλματος του Θεού Ηρακλή στη Μητρίδα Γη του, η Οργάνωσή μας απέστειλε την παρακάτω επιστολή στην εφημερίδα (εκδότη και συντάκτες) θεωρώντας χρέος μας να υπερασπιστούμε την Ιστορία του Έθνους μας και τον Πολιτισμό του. Στο άρθρο αναφέρεται ούτε λίγο ούτε πολύ, ότι το άγαλμα είναι προϊόν της Τουρκικής κληρονομιάς(...) και δεν υπάρχει ουδεμία αναφορά για την Ελληνική πρωτότυπη κατασκευή του...
Μιας λοιπόν και ουδείς Θεσμικός παράγοντας από την επίσημη ελληνική Πολιτεία ( Υπουργεία "Πολιτισμού", Εξωτερικών") ,ενδιαφέρθηκε να αποκαταστήσει την Ιστορική Πραγματικότητα με μία έστω τυπική ανακοίνωση προς υπεράσπιση της Παράδοσής μας , αναλάβαμε εμείς να "ενημερώσουμε" τους υπεύθυνους της εφημερίδας για το προφανώς επιτηδευμένο ατόπημά τους...
By the chance of the article on the Turkish newspaper Hürriyet regarding information about the returning statue of our Great God Hercules on its original region, our organization sent this letter as an official respond trying to "inform" the editors and the journalists about the Historical Facts that concerns this Ancestral Hellenic region. We strongly believe that no one can diverse History just to play some dangerous and at the same time pretty boring Political games. So with a bit sense of humor we sent the following respond...
Dear director and journalists of Hürriyet newspaper
We have read your article about the returning of the Statue of our Great God Hercules on it’s region where it was looted 40 years ago.
We warmly thank you and your government for the try you do to protect our Hellenic Heritage that looters have been spread all around the world all these years.
It doesn’t matter if you have it on your museums, at least all the world will be able to see the Great Hellenic and Roman Culture of the Ancient times, and learn to respect even more the Hellenic and Roman Culture and Civilization
All Hellenes are happy to learn that their Gods’ statues and cultural treasures are gathering once again on Hellenic native land!.
Just for your readers, may we remind that Perga-the place where the statue of our Great God Hercules was found, was an ancient Hellenic city, the capital of Pamphylia ( this word means in Hellenic language "land of all tribes..), (now in today’s Antalya province) on the southwestern Mediterranean coast of today’s Turkey state. Also,Perga was the birthplace of Apollonius of Perga!
You know, the famous Hellenas geometer and astronomer!
Before the Romans conquer the region, just to remind you, that Alexander the Great (what a coincidence, another Hellenic name!) and Seleucids were those who ruled the region!
So, enough about joking with a pleasant way.
Please next time, when a piece of our Culture will return on its region, do not hesitate to inform your readers about the exact historical facts. It is a shame for you to stand with “lending history”.
It is not your fault after all that your people have conquered many centuries after this period these ancestral Hellenic lands.
But it is all your fault to live and go on, by stealing all the time our History and Culture forever..
Honor and Glory to our Gods and Ancestors!
Thyrsos- Hellenes Ethnikoi (Gentiles)